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descriptionMadara - Databook 4 EmptyMadara - Databook 4

Não achei um tópico para postar a tradução do perfil dos personagens, então abri esse tópico para postar a tradução do perfil do Madara (Inglês).
Depois vou postar a tradução das técnicas dele e etc...

Super interessante as informações que estão ai.

Uma curiosidade (entre tantas) é que é desmentido o mito que Hashirama era "superior" ao Madara FMS em força, o Databook diz que a força deles eram a mesma e que a diferença da "finura de uma folha de papel" era que decidia o vencedor de uma luta entre eles.

Uchiha Madara (Pages 58-63)



(Page 58)

Madara - Databook 4 VatUUo2

* Village Affiliation: Konoha

* Unranked

* Natures: All five basic elements + Yin + Yang release

* Icons: Jinchuuriki + Kekkei-Genkai (Bloodline limit) + Kuchiyose (Summoning)

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Because you….don’t see it….furthermore, and from beyond this point….it will be a former dream

(Page 59)

Madara - Databook 4 QfEvyIU

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その背、負える者なし―― 鎧袖一触孤高の「伝説」!!

Without anyone who is able to bear (his attacks)… Behind the aloof「Legend」who defeats (his opponents) with a single blow!!

Main Body

その力は活殺自在。。。千手柱問として共に「伝説の忍」と称された、うちは一族最強の男、それがマダラだ。 尾獣にすら匹敵する破壊神 ”完成体須佐能乎”を発動させるほど、 うちは一族内でも”写輪眼” の扱いに長けていた。 一族の長として輿望を担うも、 同胞に理解されず里に背を向けたマダラ。その心底に掲げるものは、ただ一つ。。。戦争のない、愛に満ち溢れ る永永無窮の ”無限月読”。忍の歩みし血塗られた修羅の世界は、マダラを看破紅塵の境地に至らしめたのだ。

That strength is the power (to control) life or death…Together with Senju Hashirama, they were called 「Legendary Shinobi」. The strongest man of the Uchiha Clan is Madara. When invoking the destructive God that is“The Complete-Body Susanoo”, (his strength) is to the extent that it even rivals that of the tailed-beasts. Even amongst the Uchiha clan, he excelled at the usage of the Sharingan. As the head of the clan, he also enjoyed (his reputation and) the trust and confidence (of his people). Without the understanding of his brethren, Madara turned his back on the village. He was merely advocating for one simple thing, completely from the bottom of his heart…(A world) without war: an eternity of“Infinite Tsukuyomi”, and to be perpetually filled with love. It was for the advancement of shinobi in a world with scenes of blood-stained carnage. Because of Madara’s situation, he became disillusioned with the mundane world.

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柱問細胞を持つマダラは、対五影戦で25体もの、”多重木遁分身” を作り出した。

Madara possessed cells from Hashirama. In the battle versus the Five Kage, he had produced 25 bodies with “Tajyuu Mokuton Bunshin” (/Multiple Wood Release Clones).

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圧倒的な”須佐能乎”の力でナルトや五影達を一網打尽!目分を止めるには柱間をおいて他にない、とマダラは 断言した。

With the overwhelming power of Susanoo, Madara rounded up Naruto and the Five Kage in one swoop! Madara declared that no one could stop him, aside from Hashirama.

Special Box

約66年前: 木ノ葉を出て、抜け忍に…同胞にすら理解されぬマダラの信念。ただ独り、木ノ葉に反逆する道を 選んだ。

Approx. 66 years ago: Leaving Konoha as a nukenin…. Even his brethren did not understand Madara’s beliefs. All alone, he chose the path to revolt against Konoha. |

**Profile Box:**

* No Ninja ID #

* Birthday: 12/24 (Unknown Age). Capricorn.

* Height: 179.0cm (=5’10)

* Weight: 71.3kg (=157 lbs)

* Blood Type: O

* Personality: 好戦的 (Belligerent), 野心家 (Ambitious)

* Favourite:
>陽光よりも月光を好むマダラ。闇に浮かぶ月を望みながら、 己の理想に思いを馳せる。。。

* Madara prefers moonlight to sunlight. While viewing the moon as it was suspended in the darkness, he thought about his own ideals.

(Page 60)

Madara - Databook 4 HMvqhg7

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As for the beam of light that observed the 「Guts」of a fellow comrade, it vanishes into a vision …

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In the midst of never-ending battles, 「Friendship」 and 「Dreams」sprouted forth…

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数多の忍が累々たる屍の山と化した、過酷な戦国時代。。。 幼きマダラは、水切り場で一人の少年と出会う。名を柱間。宿敵・千住一族とは知らぬまま、不思議と柱間に惹 かれていくマダラ。忍の技を競い合ったり未来について語り合ったりするうち、柱間に対する確かな友情が、マ ダラの中で育っていく。。。

Many shinobi died during the cruel era of warring countries. The heaps of corpses transformed into mountains of them…Where a young Madara was skipping stones, he happened to meet a boy named Hashirama. Without knowing that he was from the Senju clan, who were his arch-enemies, Madara was strangely becoming captivated by Hashirama. While competing with their shinobi techniques and talking together about the future, he certainly had a friendship with Hashirama. Within Madara, he continued to mature (with those experiences of friendship).

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Because of the war, Madara lost three siblings. He vowed that he would certainly protect his only younger brother, Izuna, until the end.

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友が語る「絵空事」。 それはマダラ自身が描く「夢」 そのものだった。

The friends talk about their 「Pipe- Dream」. Madara personally described the very essence of his 「Dream」

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As for the dream that should have been fulfilled, it then became further away (from being achieved)…

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だが友は、うちは一族の憎き宿敵だった。その事実に幼きマダラの心は千々に乱れる…。過去と決別し、一族の 長として抗争に身を投じるマダラ。だが戦場で友が見せた腑に、ついに心が動く。「木ノ葉隠れ」 と名づけ、友と創設した忍の里はまさに、 二人の夢の証だった。 しかし、マダラは見抜いていたのだ。やがて木ノ葉隠れの里を巣食うことになる「闇」の存在を。 。。

However, that friend was a detestable arch-enemy of the Uchiha clan. Because of that reality for the young Madara, his heart was then disheveled into pieces... Separating from his past, and as the head of his clan, Madara threw himself into a rivalry (with Hashirama). However, on the battlefield, his friend showed (Madara) his ‘Guts’. Finally, Madara’s heart wavered. With his friend, they established a shinobi village called 「Konohagakure」. Certainly, it was a testimony to both of their dreams. However, Madara saw through (that dream). Before long, they decided on building Konohagakure Village. However, there was the existence of a 「Darkness」 within it. ..

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迷いなく自害を選ぶ柱間の姿に、 マダラは「腑」を見せる決意をする。

(Madara saw) the figure of Hashirama as he chose to commit suicide without hesitation. (Hashirama) decided to show his 「Guts」to Madara. |

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Madara touted his aloof dream and left Konoha.

(Page 61)

Madara - Databook 4 MTjhYo9

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At the threshold of Hell, awaiting favourable conditions for his revival: 「The Phantom of the Uchiha」…

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相容れぬ理想ゆえ柱間と袂を分かったマダラの憎しみは、木ノ葉の里へと向かう。里を襲い幾度となく繰り広げ た柱間との死闘は、マダラの敗北で幕を下ろした。しかしそれは大いなる夢の幕開けだった。 一命を取り留めたマダラは愛と憎しみの因果を断ち切り、 勝者も敗者もない世界を希求する。マダラにとっては現実こそが地獄。憂いと苦しみの果てに寿命が潰えんとし たその時、ついに「輪廻眼」を開眼する。マダラの双眸に宿ったのは、夢想を理想の現実と変える 力だった!

Madara’s hatred was split between (two entities): Hashirama, because of his incompatible dreams, and also towards the village of Konoha. He then unfolded (incidents) upon Hashirama by attacking the village on multiple occasions. In a battle to the death, and with Madara’s defeat, the curtain closed (on that era). However, that was the rise of the curtain for a great dream. Madara escaped death. Cutting apart the fate of love and hatred, he aspired to a world even without winners or losers. As for Madara, reality was certainly Hell. At the end of his lifespan of sorrow and anguish, and at the moment where his life was about to collapse, Madara finally awakened the 「Rinnegan」. It was dwelling in Madara’s pair of eyes: the power to change his dream into an ideal reality!

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They are equal in strength. Madara remained unchanged, but Hashirama changed for the sake of the village. A paper-thin difference (between the two of them) decided victory or defeat.

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Entrusting the name of 「Madara」to an heir, the phantom fell asleep…

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瀕死のオビトを救ったマダラ。 その目的は己の代わりに「マダラ」として十尾を集めさせ、 その後”輪廻天生” で自分を世に蘇らせること。全ては愛と平和に満ちた幻の世界を創造するため。無限の夢を瞼に浮かべ、マダラ は眼を閉じた。 いずれきたる復活の刻まで…。

Madara rescued Obito, who was on the verge of death. His objective was to make an exchange: In return for becoming 「Madara」to assemble the Jyuubi, Obito was to resurrect (Madara) into the world with “Rinne Tensei” afterwards. It was all in order to create a phantom world that was full of love and peace. Suspending the infinite dream on his eyelids, Madara closed his eyes.(Then he waited) until the time of his eventual and forthcoming revival…

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By transplanting the flesh that he snatched away from Hashirama into (his own body), Madara obtained the power of the Senju.

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After the battle at the Valley of the End, he had continued to merely live alone.

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オビトに全てを託したマダラは、外道魔像から体を切り離して、 その永い生涯を終えた。

Madara entrusted everything to Obito. By detaching his body from the Gedou Mazou, his long lifetime ended.

(Page 62)

Madara - Databook 4 7MyjzFZ

Big Splash Text

「月の眼計画」成る!闇に浮かぶ “無限月読”…

Completing the 「Eye of the Moon Plan」! The“Infinite Tsukuyomi”that is suspended in darkness…

Section Title 1


Planned for many years

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マダラの描く「月の眼計画」の全貌、それは十尾の力を手に入れ, 輪廻眼を与えた長門の “輪廻天生“ で復活し、 “無限月読” を実現すること。 “穢土転生” による復活は意図した形ではなかったが、自ら術を解き、「計画」を完遂せんと動く。。。!!

Madara painted the full picture of the 「Eye of the Moon Plan」. (It involved) obtaining the power of the Jyuubi. He would be resurrected through Rinne-Tensei by Nagato’s “Rinnegan”. (And lastly, he would) the implement the “Infinite Tsukuyomi”. Being revived in the form of an Edo-Tensei was not intended. Of course, he (broke-out of the) jutsu on his own. Madara moved when it wasn’t going according to the 「Plan」…!

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”穢土転生”という不完全な形での復活に、予定していなかったアクシデントが起こったことを察知 。

He sensed that an accident had occurred, since did not plan to be revived in an incomplete form due to the “Edo-Tensei”.

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”無限月読”に至要たるは血潮が巡る生命体。死した肉体で 十尾の力を操る人柱力に成り得ぬため、マダラは黒ゼツでオビト
を成しり”輪廻天生” を成し遂げる…!果たして悲願成就の膳立ては整った。全ては思い描 いていた計画通り。さらに己が "輪廻眼"を奪還し、十全十美なる肉叢となったマダラの眼前には、夢の実現が迫っていた。

It was an extremely important requirement for “Infinite Tsukuyomi”: (he needed) a living body with circulating blood. But with a dead body, he could not manipulate the power of the Jyuubi as a Jinchuuriki. In order to accomplish (obtaining a real body), he used Black Zetsu, who was fused with Obito, (to employ) “Rinne-Tensei”. Everything that he had imagined (was now going) according to plan. Moreover, he recovered his own “Rinnegan”. Before his eyes, Madara’s body became perfect for being the host of the Jyuubi. The implementation of his dream was approaching.

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Regaining a perfect and fleshy body, Madara could not hide his delight and excitement as his original strength filled every corner (of his new body).

(Page 63)

Madara - Databook 4 KU01w0D

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The power of the Rikudou (/Six Paths)

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よいよ機は熟さん。。。!両眼 の ”輪廻眼”を回収し、六道の 真の力を解放するマダラ。両眼から放たれし鋭き光彩はまさに剛毅果断。またマダラの計画遂行を待ちわびんと 意志を示すが如く、月につぼみを神樹。「輪廻の力を持つ者が月に近づきし時、無限の夢を叶えるための月に映 せし眼が開く」 。。。うちは一族の石碑通り、マダラの額には「第三の眼」が開眼。 全てを否定し、忌まわしきチャ クラの無き世界を創るため...。 マダラが望んだ,「本当の夢」は今ここに完遂した…はずだった。

An excellent opportunity came to fruition…!! Recovering the “Rinnegan” for both of his eyes, Madara unleashes the true power of the Six Paths! Both of his eyes release a sharp brilliance: they certainly feel dauntless and decisive. Madara was still not tired of waiting for the execution of his plan. As if a testament to his willpower, the Shinjyu (/God Tree) budded. 「When someone who possesses the power of the Rinne (/endless cycle of transmigration) approaches the moon, an eye will open for the sake of granting an infinite dream. Then (that wish) will be reflected upon the moon.」…In accordance with the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan, Madara awakened a 「Third Eye」upon his forehead. He negated everything in order to create a world without abominable chakra… Madara wished for 「a true dream」. (His wish) should have been immediately accomplished there…

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By taking in the Jyuubi and the Shinjyu, all of the chakra was restored by Madara’s own hands!

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”無限月読” 発動直後、闇に浮かびし姿は、大筒木カグヤ。。。!!

Immediately after invoking the “Infinite Tsukuyomi”, a figure is suspended in the darkness. It’s Otsutsuki Kaguya…!!

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ナルト達の抵抗を退け、マタラが思う 「皆の 幸せ」のため、己が信じる正義を貫かんとする!

Retreating from the opposition of Naruto and his comrades, Madara thought that he (should try to employ the kind of) justice that he believed in! It was in order to achieve 「Everyone's Happiness」, (which was his version of an ideal) that he had been thinking about.

descriptionMadara - Databook 4 EmptyRe: Madara - Databook 4

Cara buda do hashirama >>> susanoo tengu, nem o combo kurama full+susanoo tengu consequiu ganhar quem diria somente o susanoo tengu, nao teria chance alguma

descriptionMadara - Databook 4 EmptyRe: Madara - Databook 4

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